Tuesday, December 2, 2008

No arbitration for Burrell

The refusal to offer arbitration to Pat Burrell is the clearest sign we've gotten from the Phils new management as to what to expect from them as far as future payroll goes.  Next years payroll will be increase from this year (mostly due to arb raises to Howard/Hamels and a decent pay bump for Utley) but it is clear that the Phils have no intention of crossing the $120 million mark for payroll.  Given the uncertain FA market it wouldn't be completely insane to see a scenario where Burrell does not get a multi-year offer to his liking and accepts arbitration and is awarded a $15 million plus deal for next year.  That apparently is something that ownership/management is not willing to let happen.  It also seems to indicate that they will not be major players on the FA market.  It was already assumed that Sabathia/Ramirez were out of the question, but now we are presented with evidence that seems to indicate they will not be going after Lowe or Burnett. 

 Amaro continues to state that improving the teams pitching is their number one goal. So what sensible moves are left if Lowe and Burnett are not realistic targets?  Signing either Randy Johnson or Brad Penny to a one year deal would make a great deal of sense as either one should be better than Blanton/Kendrick/Happ/et all and neither requires draft pick compensation.  Add in a Juan Cruz or Kerry Wood addition to the bullpen and you're looking at improved pitching depth with less cost in dollars/years than signing any of the big ticket guys.   Of course it won't be that simple, Wood is probably  looking for a closers job and there has been little talk to indicate serious interest in Penny or Johnson from the Phils.  Still with little to report on the once assumed slam dunk re-signing of Moyer, it's clear that the Phils are aware they need SP help and I expect them to make a move or two to address that.  Whether they do something intelligent like pulling off  a trade like the one the Braves apparently have, making a decent FA signing or whether they do something stupid like giving Jon Garland a multi year deal remains to be seen.  The best that can be hoped for is that Amaro has learned from the Freddy Garcia/Adam Eaton stupidities of the past and can properly evaluate risk/reward for FA while at the same time being creative in trades and roster management.  It's your turn Ruben, don't let us down.

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